Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Management and Control!

The three things that termites need are food, water, and shelter. If you get rid of those for a termite around your house then you are least likely to get termites. Here are some different ways to protect your home from having termite damage:

1. Plan where you put your lights on the outside of your house because alates fly to those lights to find their mate and a home.
2. Inspect your home for termites at least once a month.
3. Don't leave piles of wood laying on the ground because that will attract the termites to your area.
4. Don't put any plants too close to your walls.
5. Make sure that water is being directed away from your house by using hoses or troughs.
6. Make sure there are no cracks in your cement.

If you do have termites in or around your house and these easy steps didn't help then I suggest you try using either soil insecticides or bait stations. 



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